unknown strain, soil grow


Well-Known Member
this is some bagseed that i guess got tossed into a house plant grew and i transplanted and grew it through to flower, got 25g cured, cut her all back and let her reveg and then have since been clonning her and these are the results.



Well-Known Member
these girls are vegging under 400w mh (warehouse light) and a 100w mh as well. The clones are started under 216w t5.

Nutrients- fox farm nutrients, following the schedule

soil- mixture perlite and peat moss


Well-Known Member
o ya those veggers are various ages, i go more by height to determine when to put them into flower, but prolly between 3 and 6 weeks old


Well-Known Member
the plants in flower are under a 400w hps light in a 4x4 area, i wish i had like another 600w hps in there because 6 of the veggers will be going into the bud chamber at the end of the month as to create a cycle where i can harvest 6 plants every month


Well-Known Member
ooook so as of yesterday the 6 girls are starting their 3rd week of flower and are looking awesome, many many bud sites and excellent looking colas. I plan on getting some blackstrap molasses today and start using that in conjuncture with the FF schedule, i have never used molasses and look forward to the experiment. i 'll get some pics up when they awaken


Well-Known Member
and their little sisters who will go into flower the end of the month are now as tall as their older sisters, i'm kinda worried about fitting 12 plants in 4'6"x4'x6' the six in there now are kinda tight, maybe i'll have to enlarge the flower room, as i plan on purchasing another light before the end of the month, still up for debating which one 1000w hps, or a 600w hps w/ my existing 400w hps. If i got the 100w i'd then put a conversion bulb in my 400w and make it a mh thus with that added to my other 400w mh and 100wmh would essentially make 900w mh power and then i'd have the 1000w hps in the flower room. That may be to big for my needs tho, i think i kind of just want the 1000w hps. the debate in my head wages on

fell free to input your thoughts on the lights or on the girls