Uh-Oh- Retarded DP Blueberry? Please Help!!! (PICS)


Active Member
here are a couple of my blueberrys from dutch passion at 2 weeks and 2 days. three of them look normal and healthy. but one has some extremely strange growth. growing quick, but looking retarded. i was thinking i just needs to grow into itself more, but idk. please help

the 27 girls are under 2000watts mh at two weeks temps stable at 80 to mid 80's. don't have a way to test humidity, as i live in mexico, so cant tell ya that one, but i can tell you that i mist regularly. any input would really help.

first pic is the healthy plant, obviously, the second is the retard.



Active Member
hmmm. Im not sure. Thing looks like it went into flower for a few days and got put back in veg. Could just be a bad bean.

I am sure some advice will be coming from others.


Active Member
thanks swad, yea idk dude. kind of a squirrely lookin girl, might make for a good salad. but i'm searching for mothers in this grow and don't have time for slackin retard plants.


Active Member
im thinkink quit spraying them under lites.let-em dry 1st

i don't really see that being the problem. i've only been misting regularly for the past 4 days. retard symtoms showed about a week ago, before i even started mist action. i'm thinkin its a genetic problem. yet another reason not to order dutch passion feminized blueberry. yes that's right, someone slap me.


Active Member
I would still grow it out and see what happends.

If nothing else you could still get a bit of herb off it if its a lady.

Because you have others and this is the only one doing this I do think it is just a bad seed.

Keep us posted.


weird. strange growth, but i don't see any signs of poor health. i say give the little girl a couple weeks to see what happens, if she start to show signs of being a weak plant then cull it.