Two Happy Officers


Not really a comedic tale, but one that'll give a little hope to those afraid of the next time they get caught...

My buddy decided, after a long day of work, that he was going to go for a little drive through the more private, richer neighbourhoods in my area on his way home. He happened to have a friend with him who doesn't smoke, but heavily encourages that other people do. Of course, we live in Virginia/DC where bud isn't legal for any reason, medicinal or not.

He's cruising through quadruple-laned (unmarked) suburban streets having himself a nice smoke, when after a while, he notices a car riding behind him pretty close, so naturally, he picks up his speed just a little to space hmself. Only after taking a hit and looking back again did he notice the headlights in the mirror and recognise them as a police car's. Just as he exhales with closed windows... the sirens wail.

Like an obedient citizen, he pulled over, unrolled his window (letting out a billow of smoke), took out his ID, and rested his bowl on the dashboard. The officer came up and took a whiff, instantly recognising the smell, saying, "God damn!"

My friend chose the smart route, choosing to be honest with the cop, and flat out let him know that he was smoking, pointed out the bowl, and even handed it to the officer, despite being pulled over for speeding, knowing the officer(s) would definitely smell the car. And there was my other friend, not even a smoker, close to getting arrested for being in the car.

So what does the officer do after taking the bowl and making them sit on the curb? He asks, "We're going to have to search your car. Is there anything you'd like to declare?" and without flinching, my friend says, "Yes, in addition to the half-full pipe, there's a bag of weed and second pipe in my glove box."

The officers search the car and come back. The officer says, "Well, it looks like we didn't find anything," and for SOME reason, my friend decides to interject: "No, there's a bag of weed and pipe in the glove box." The officer sighs and goes back to the car, giving it a quick one-over, opening the glove box and checking inside. The bag and pipe were sitting directly on top of everything, but he didn't take them out.

Again, the officer comes back, this time telling my friend that because he was so polite, barely going over the speed limit, and honest about everything that he was going to let him go with a ticket for 'improper driving', and take the pipe (still half-full, mind you). He makes no mention of the extra bag and pipe in the glove box, doesn't file a report for the confiscated piece, and sends my friends off.

Somewhere out there, there are two VERY happy officers, tailgating kids in the suburbs, giggling their asses off.

I've kinda kept this as my mantra for dealing with cops. Honesty is the best policy, if all the preventative and concealment measures have become futile.


I've noticed the same thing... not for pot reasons, but in general. Example... my dad gets pulled over occasionally.... what's he do? Immediately starts cussing at the cops, acts rude, throws his license at them, and makes excuses. Result: big tickets.

Now for me... pulled over many many times... Most of them on my 3 cross country trips last summer. Each time, as polite as can be, honest, straightforward.... never once a single ticket.

The lesson it seems is that karma and kindness pay off. No one hates a liar, no one hates being pulled around. You treat people with the respect they deserve, and most of the time it pays off. Now this doesn't seem to be the case at the end of the month when cops are trying to fulfill their quota or if you meet one who seems to have a small metal pole shoved up his/her....*cough*, but it's a general rule everyone should follow. Cops are normal people too, and most recognize the same w/ us.


Macho, power-tripped, ass hole cops are definitely not uncommon. But I've met quite a few who are genuinely nice people who are just keeping the streets safe. I was visiting my friend in Rhode Island a few weeks ago. And we were getting some food, and he parked the car partly in front of some crazy bitch's driveway. When I say partly i mean a foot at most. There was still enough room for a fucking 18-wheeler to back out. Literally. But she decided to call the cops. Crazy bitch. The cop was chill about it, because apparently she does that like every other night. She started accusing of being drunk and shit, but the cop didn't suspect it for a second, cause we weren't, and she's fucking delusional. Anyway, so the cop smelled weed in our car, and he just openly, in front of the woman, did not give a shit. He was like alright sorry about this, you guys can go. Total G. He didn't even give my friend a parking ticket. I just wanted to hug him. :joint:


Active Member
yeah same thing happened with me and my friends but i didnt have my medical card befor when it happened and my friend just got a ticket with the set date on his 18th bday and he was driving without a license and the cops gave the shit back complletly