Trump's Impeachment is Holding Up Gun Regulations


Well-Known Member
We were gonna do infrastructure too.

And real good, cheap healthcare and cheap drugs too. The best healthcare.



Well-Known Member
But now we're not going to be able to any of that.

Thanks, Deep State.

Mexico probably won't even send that wall-check now.


Well-Known Member
I was going to just cut/paste a simple link to some stupid shit, and make it green, but I chickened out.


Well-Known Member
The overnight news about developments in the Trump White House have left me feeling confused and shaken. I had better go visit Rush Limbaugh's website like he told me to in these circumstances. I wonder what the top story is...

Do Not Be Surprised If Mrs. Clinton Decides to Try Again in 2020

Sep 27, 2019

RUSH: Hillary Clinton is out there saying, “Oh, my God. What could have been, what could have been.”

Do not be surprised, my friends, if she decides to try again in 2020.

Do not be surprised.

What? Hillary Clinton? "Crooked Hillary" is going to run again? Oh my God. That would be terrible. This is proof that the Deep State is just trying to overturn Trump's Victory for the American People.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Kind of like someone taking books from the library?

Taking books from a public library could be seen as a defensive act, so stop feeling guilty about that copy of the Cat in the Hat you colored in when you were 6 years old.

Assuming the books were purchased with money stolen from a person via the oxymoronic "property tax" it wouldn't be a real crime for that person to recover some of what they labored for.

I like libraries and would voluntarily pay to use them, but don't think it's right to make nonusers pay for a library against their will.