Trudeau's usual


Active Member
...Same song , different day...The other guy is Adam Vaughan, he won a by-election in Toronto a few months back...



Well-Known Member
at least hes making a forward moving effort, education is what we need not whats wrong with it bs


Well-Known Member
Also heads need to roll at HC....for their handling....of mmj
any senior civil servants who were part of the decision making process for the gov...and their consultants
who cost the tax payers huge sums of cash,,, for things like the letter fiasco....should be fired and an inquiry should be held to get to the bottom of this,,
I remember Jean Cretian being inquired upon for spending a hundred million to try and keep Quebec in confederation....
probably a really good thing too....but still they tried to roast him...
So with health Canada getting sued for 250 million from the letter patients....and probably many mounting law suits regarding LP's being denied after the fact.....
and the cost of all the court cases needs to be factored in as well...
so the Conservatives have wasted upwards of probably half a Billion....on this issue....
I think that's enough money wasted to force an inquiry....and maybe even the big guy will have to explain himself....
Harper ran his initial elections based on him having the first totally responsible and out right said that any of his people that got caught doing anything wrong would face immediate dismissal...
Which happened over and over ...without any consequence


Well-Known Member
Federal elections can't come soon enough. Harper needs to go before he destroys anymore values and morals of regular canadian folk. He will go down in history as one of the worst government leaders this country has ever seen.


Active Member
Wow, you people will accept any empty promise that comes your way. Did NO ONE here notice he says nothing of substance at all? Trudeau's "Legalization" sounds more like Kevin Sabet and SAMCanada than Colorado to me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you people will accept any empty promise that comes your way. Did NO ONE here notice he says nothing of substance at all? Trudeau's "Legalization" sounds more like Kevin Sabet and SAMCanada than Colorado to me.
The alternative is?
I think most of us are not that naive to believe anything said by any politician.


Well-Known Member
If there were a vote tomorrow trudeau would win. This young man better keep his promises.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you people will accept any empty promise that comes your way. Did NO ONE here notice he says nothing of substance at all? Trudeau's "Legalization" sounds more like Kevin Sabet and SAMCanada than Colorado to me.
Why do you always have to come here trying to make people look stupid? JT is the ONLY politician in this country who will even bring up legalization. Wtf is wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
Wow, you people will accept any empty promise that comes your way. Did NO ONE here notice he says nothing of substance at all? Trudeau's "Legalization" sounds more like Kevin Sabet and SAMCanada than Colorado to me.
And what would you like in the way of substance? JT said legalization...good enough for me. What will legal look like? Washington, Colorado or something completely different, remains to be seen. We've worked for 40 years to get to this point and we will continue to work to shape legalization the way we want it.