Trimming during flowering?


I am flowering and expect to finish the middle to end of October. Should I be trimming some of the fans now to increase air flow and light or should I leave it alone? I am probably about 2-3 weeks from when our wetter weather moves in the PNW. Will it hurt the bud growth if I do? Any help is welcome!


go go kid

Well-Known Member
yep, with growth like that, deffo thin out, or powdery mildew will be your new worst friend. nice by the way, hope you pull off a decent harvest

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i would say your safe when it comes to shocking it, i myself dont prune when growing outside, im in the uk, we dont get anyware near the same penatration and amount of sunlight your getting, so no need to defoliate.
someone will chime in with a better answer for you, id hate to give you bad info.


Well-Known Member
Most defently open them up. Get the small growth off the lower. If the sun isn't shining on the bud you will be growing runts.