Total Darkeness


Well-Known Member
Im intersted in seeing tetsimony that light interuption during flowering can cause you plant to be shemale.

Has this happened to anyone? Can you share your experiences? How much light/how often was the 12 hours of darkness interupted?

Another question....Is TOTAL COMPLETE darkness required? Im sure not everyone has lightproofed their grow. What happens to those plants grown with lightleaks? Less yield? Slow flowering?

Speak from experience if you can.


Well-Known Member
I am growing in a closet.

I got rid of my light leaks when I started flowering my first grow.
I went into the closet with the lights off.
I did this during the middle of the day and with the lights on in the room that the closet is in.

I used duct tape and went around all 4 sides on the inside of the door.
I then did the same to the door frame.
I left the tape kinda loose/ not pressed completely flat

When I shut the door bam no light.
I would also recommend felt tape.

yes blood the plants need total darkness.

My plants were sexed in 7ds after 21 days of veg in soil.
If I had not made Totally dark then it could have been up to 14 ds or longer.

As far as the hermie stuff I am not sure.

I would like to see proof on that myself.


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering myself how important it is to have no light leaks at all because after all when you grow indoors your replicating nature on a speeded up scale, in nature you'd always have the addition of moonlight to add to the equation would this not be the same as say a small light leak from an incandescent bulb?