To Fertilize or now to Fertilize


New Member
I have been facing a quandary of late. How is it possible to know if plants will benefit from added nutrients or if they will be overfed by adding nutrient solution? two weeks before flowering I repot from 2 gallon buckets to 5 gallon buckets. I use very rich balanced soil. It's my own mix devised from reading others recipe's and modifying my own experiences. The plants are healthy and happy, they are doing well. I just cant help wondering if there is anything I can do to help them be even better.
On the other hand I have seen plants go to shit after just one watering of nutrient solution when they couldn't handle it. I don't want to fuck up a good thing by trying to make it better.
So is there any way to know if plants are reaching full potential (optimum nutrient uptake) without just engaging in trial and error? Soil is particularly unforgiving of overfert conditions and we all know overfertilized plants are gonna taste like shit if harvested. I have a "pill type" nutrient test but I just don't feel like it is reliable or accurate enough to use as a reference. I would like to be able to place probes in the soil that would take electrical readings of nutrient condition , but I dont think that exists yet. I can't afford a mass spectrometer. What can I do? have I missed some basic concept? Am I over-thinking it? Or is it really as complicated and difficult as it seems?
If anyone knows a reliable method of testing available soil nutrients please turn me on to it. Ive seen the fancy soil test kits but they are still like 500-600 dollars and I would rather spend that much on a co2 controller.....
If your plants are happy why fuck with them. If you have buds and everything is going good for what you have been doing leave them where they are. They will go into shock when you transplant. That will set you back. The plants willtell you what to do. By now you should be able to read them.
The next time you water catch it and test it. Then you will know. If you don't know how to test it take it to your nearest Hydrponic shop and they will test it for you.