Thunderstorm .. in flower..


Well-Known Member
Ok so its been thunderstorming for the past 30 minutes on my plants and they are about 4 weeks into budding and I was wondering the NEGATIVE or POSITIVE effects of the rainwater on my plants.


Well-Known Member
I would probably say negative (dont take my word for it) but nothing serious I would assume. It happens, it is mother nature. The rain shouldn't be too bad unless it pours and you just watered or something along those lines (basically over watering). The wind may be a problem if your plants are secure. You do have something holding your plants up right?

I am a newbie so dont take my word for it.


Well-Known Member
positive effect = plenty of good rainwater to unlock nutrients in the soil.
negative effect= 4 weeks flower, days r shorter, less time for bud to dry out this can cause mold give em a shake ya should be right.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the good response. i just went out and shaked them and lots of moisture came off.

i cant believe it rained here in southern california let alone thunder stormed

also, this wont pause the growth will it? They seemed to be bulking up so nicely!