Thought I'd better ask before I fook something up

Got some yellowing leaves down low and what I think is leaf cupping going on.

None of this showed up until I added a couple more lights in the cab about a week ago. About a week before the lights, I also made a DIY CO2 (yeah I know, probably not doing shiat but meh...). She seemed to be enjoying the breeze off of the fan I use to venturi draw CO2 and it def. cooled the heat off of the primary grow bulb.

I'm just short of 4 weeks since sprout so I'm thinking that I might be getting into a nute deficiency state since I haven't given her anything but distilled water (in Black gold Waterhold soil). I've been pretty reserved on how much water I'm giving her. (Today is the 1st time I went to the point where water came out the bottom.) I'm pretty sure it's past time to nute her and will do so the next drink.

But could any of this be contributing?

Although the temps around the plant (even right against the bulbs) are cool 80's, it kinda looks like the leaves are turning away from the 2 bulbs I added. It's like she's trying to keep the undersides of the leaves hidden. I rotate the pot a quarter turn every day to make sure she gets an even tan :) but the leaf turns are in direct relation to where the most light hits. Is the low height light hurting rather than helping? Should I raise 'em so that they are overhead rather than under?

Also, my Frankenstein CO2 generator is blowing across the plant using a tiny CPU fan dialed back from 12 volts to 9v. It's just enough air to make her dance a bit but could I be drying her out by breezing her all day? The fan shuts off when the light goes off so she's getting a 6 hour dance break.

I moved the 2 supplemental lights back after taking these pics.

I'd appreciate your thoughts.20130228_145649.jpg20130228_150720.jpg20130228_150741.jpg20130228_153737.jpg