Think Mitt Romney Will Say ANYTHING For Votes?


Well-Known Member
Then don't vote for the man, why whine about it!

Wow, Beenthere? are you aware of what you just said?

can you see that your very statement illuminates your thought processes? The guy offered a list of flip flops - you didn't take issue with that, you simply said he should vote for the other guy and not whine.

What you are saying is that each of you have different realities, that those flipflops don't have any bearing on your decsion to vote for ... the flip flopper. His being someone who is willing to say anything to get elected, his willingness to change his core values in a moment or two and then perhaps change back again doesn't give you pause, it doesn't have you concerned that you don't really know what you will get as president if he is elected doesn't phase you.

You are willing to exist in a state of ignorance or a state of denial, I can't be sure which, and simply ignore yet again, another confirmed truth about the man you intend to vote for.


Well-Known Member
Obama is the president, I have proof of the damage he's causing.
Where's yours?
You do not have proof of the damage he is causing. You have proof only of the damage he has yet to correct. Imagine a woman who was subject to a severe car crash, her face collapsed, her collarbone crushed, her knees fractured, her pelvis snapped. She is in for a series of operations and after only a few reconstructive proceedures she looks at all of her bandages and all of the bruises and claims that they are all "proof of the damage" the doctor has caused.

This is akin to the illogical perceptions you are projecting about Obama.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the blunt amendment something that we all hope for? I mean vaping is nice, bongs are a delight but blunts and especially amended blunts are wonders of the art of joints.