The perfect storm


Well-Known Member
What was the one issue that obama couldn't get most voters to over look?
Not that he's black or has an odd name, or the DJ rev. wright issue or the way his wife has come off when givin the chance on stage.


Both parties made it a point, to point out that obama isn't electable.
Bill Clinton: A good guy, yes. Have what it takes to run the country?clearly no.

So what does the repukes who run johns party do?
They bring in someone who would take that subject off the table for obama.

Today, obamas experience isn't even in question. In fact he looks very much like how the potus should look and act. graceful is the word I'm looking for.

The people who run johns campaign has clearly tossed in the towl, and I believe it isn't on accident. Alot of these 'campaigners' were the same ones who ran bushes campaign. They were the complete opposite of incompidence that they have displayed working for john.

I believe, john is the fall guy and the repukes set it up that way.
It wouldn't shock me one bit to later find out that some repukes where behind obama the whole time.

I believe they have put obama into the white house, so they can take it back in 2012. Obama doesn't qualify and we will all learn this the hard way.... leaving the door open for the repukes?(to save us?)
fuckin brilliant!! knowning the repukes couldn't win no matter what in 2008.They set john up(who they don't like at all) as the fall guy with a foot in the white house door in 2012.

The repukes don't want obama exposed intill after the election.
Much like the dems kept bush in play, so not to expose their own incompidence.
It's a game of jockeying for party position.

...........glad to be caught in the middle :-?


Well-Known Member
What was the one issue that obama couldn't get most voters to over look?
Not that he's black or has an odd name, or the DJ rev. wright issue or the way his wife has come off when givin the chance on stage.
no. i think it's the fact that he's black.

that's what the fucking crackers at the mccain/palin rallies are worried about

they like to use code-words like "arab" or "different from us" or "muslin [sic]"

but the fact is, the reason they're shitting themselves is because he's black


Well-Known Member
no. i think it's the fact that he's black.

that's what the fucking crackers at the mccain/palin rallies are worried about

they like to use code-words like "arab" or "different from us" or "muslin [sic]"

but the fact is, the reason they're shitting themselves is because he's black
The same people behind mccain are also the very same who claimed that john fathered a black kid.You have to look behind the sceens.whos writing johns speeches to insight such hate?
Don't know if you ever had to read a speech out loud, but after 2 mins in you have no idea what your reading.You're just reading what you see. Does john pre-read? I'm sure, while having people in his hear telling him why this is a good idea.'it's winner john, it's a winner!'
It was clear who johns running mate was going to be.
joe lieberman.
I really wonder whos bright idea it was to bring pailn along?
:shes a mavrick john, she cute john, you need her to pull in the women vote john.
(cough*she has no clue and is being investigated*cough)

Wheres johns party support? In this time of need, where mitt romney shines and could explain what went wrong, whos really at folt and just how the repuke party will fix it. Instead you have john bouncing from one bad idea onto another, looking really bad might I add.
The repuke media isn't for mccain, they are against obama and the dems.

It's john mccain vs his party leaders, the all out dem media, the dem party, bush white house....oh yea, and obama.

johns behind, but still in the race.
not bad giving the odds when you think about it.


New Member
The people who run johns campaign has clearly tossed in the towel,

As much as the Democrats and their in-lock-step media would like the Republicans to "throw in the towel,' they haven't. That's what's behind the phoney polls run by the NY Times showing O'Bama with a 14 point lead. Its nothing but an attempt to discourage the Republican base from going to the polls. When fair and accurate polls are examined, the race is actually between two and four points. The race is tightening and that's not surprising at all. Every presidential election in recent history had the polls showing the Democrats leading at this point in October ... and they still lost the election.



Well-Known Member
As much as the Democrats and their in-lock-step media would like the Republicans to "throw in the towel,' they haven't. That's what's behind the phoney polls run by the NY Times showing O'Bama with a 14 point lead. Its nothing but an attempt to discourage the Republican base from going to the polls. When fair and accurate polls are examined, the race is actually between two and four points. The race is tightening and that's not surprising at all. Every presidential election in recent history had the polls showing the Democrats leading at this point in October ... and they still lost the election.

what I ment my 'tossing in the towl' was setting john up for failure.

it's jonh that should be wining when you think about it. His campaigns actions have only hurt john in the last month. one bad thing after another, like clock work.
obama has NO platform and that the money is all gone, so why does that hurt mccains stance on no-spending no-earmarks?
makes no sense. I can't get one sheep at my job to tell me why they are voting for obama, all I hear is they are not voting for mccain, hes racist, hes another bush, hes to old.


New Member
what I ment my 'tossing in the towl' was setting john up for failure.

it's jonh that should be wining when you think about it. His campaigns actions have only hurt john in the last month. one bad thing after another, like clock work.
obama has NO platform and that the money is all gone, so why does that hurt mccains stance on no-spending no-earmarks?
makes no sense. I can't get one sheep at my job to tell me why they are voting for obama, all I hear is they are not voting for mccain, hes racist, hes another bush, hes to old.
Well Joe, your coworkers watch too much Keith Olbermann. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Well, McCain said he's voted for Bush more than 90% of the time, and bragged about it. The 10% where they differed were actually some big things -- like Bush's tax cuts for the rich. But since he became the nominee, McCain has flip-flopped on virtually every position where he differed with Bush and now he is just Bush with another body. McCain bragged about how closely he and Bush are on the issues, so who am I to question him about that. If he didn't want to be portrayed as a Bush clone, he shouldn't have said that he is one.

Clearly, Obama has a much better intellect, and the problems facing us in the coming years are complex; a powerful intellect might come in handy in developing solutions that don't completely fuck over the middle class. Plus, it'd just be a nice change of pace to have a smart president, rather than someone I'd want to drink beer with. I'm looking for a PRESIDENT, not a fraternity brother.

In any case, McCain has no chance. He's even losing the RACIST vote. When the fivethirtyeight guy was hanging out with a canvasser, they went to a home in racist country and a woman answered the door. The canvasser asked her who she was voting for. She yelled back to her husband, "Who are we voting for?" Her husband said, "We're voting for the nigger," and the woman turned around and, matter-of-factly, told the canvasser, "We're voting for the nigger."

Lol, when you're a Republican and you're losing THAT vote, the game is over.


Well-Known Member
last night c-span showed barr's nomination party.
...pretty sad showing.(great speech tho, aint left/right)

After that, they showed naders protest on wall street.
....that was pretty kool to watch.
nader quote: 'tear this wall down, or the people will tear it down for you!!!'