The Journey Begins


New Member
Hey Internet, would first like to say I have browsed many forums and still absorb information from all sources I can, but I really am impressed by both the size and feedback I am seeing in this community, so I have chosen rollitup as home base :D I first fell in love with weed 10 years ago at the ripe old age of 14, and it has helped me through many a tough time. It's an herb that toes the line between miracle and magic as far as I'm concerned. Due to legal issues and recent coming of age mini-epiphanies, I rarely ever smoke anymore, but Mary Jane has always been at the forefront of my mind. Sorry to get all woozy, just thought my first post needed a little intro~

Anyway, as we all are aware, I-502 is in the beginning stages of implementation in Washington State. I've had some experience and great luck with growing in the past, but prohibition and life circumstances always prevented me from bringing my ideas to reality. As of very recently, those barriers are now gone. I hope some of you might take interest in a wet-behind-the-ears noob with big dreams, and venture with me into new and uncharted frontiers.


This thread is for help with design, theory, and optimization through idea presentation and community feedback. This is not a forum for bitterness or disdain about I-502 and it's proponents. Please keep that shit in /politics.


OK enough of the BS, let's get right down to it. Very, Very, Very rough preliminary sketch of a floor plan.

Growing area will a PVC(?) frame encased in visqueen and lined with mylar. Lights will most likely hang from chains on steel A-frames.

Total flowering area ~96 sq feet, the "L" shape is two 4'x12' rectangle. 7 feet tall means ~672 cubic feet to ventilate, looking at about 200 cfm to keep the air refreshed every 3-4 minutes. I think passive vents near each cluster with a large inline at one end, as well as an inline for the light exhaust. Separate ducts. Is that overkill? Will the light exhaust work in a chain like this? Did I even calculate this right lol?

9 medium size plants flowering under each 600w hps, 72 plants to start. I'll be experimenting with different methods as time trucks along, but until I get cloning down to an exact science, the medium will be organic soil in 2 gallon pots. Nutrients will be guano/kelp tea with molasses/honey, brewed uniquely each time until optimized.

I'm working toward a staggered perpetual harvest, and keeping in mind the potential for expansion to other spaces if this should be a success rather than a spectacular fail.

Keep in mind this sketch is very basic and first draft, I just got excited and really wanted to post. I'm pretty much on my own with this huge undertaking right now so any input is beyond appreciated. I don't want to overlook anything before I start. If anything else, this is good practice, as I'm currently studying to be an agricultural engineer. Ask anything you want, call me ishmael, decry my youthful ignorance, stone me in the town plaza, whatever you want!

To quote the great Missy Misdemeanor Elliott: Y'all can't stop me now
