The History of the US War on Drugs


Well-Known Member
This documentary was deeply disturbing. I have always known that our government/big pharma/banking industry was corrupt, but this goes beyond anything I had ever imagined in my 46 years on earth. Listening to former law enforcement officials and judges describe how an entire portion of LA was destroyed and then re-built should be enough reason to clean house in D.C. Peoples' lives are being destroyed to keep for profit prisons full to capacity to line the pockets of big pharma, and greedy corrupt politicians.

When does it end?.



Well-Known Member
Great documentary. I would really like to see some statistical data on spending, arrests and amount of product moved over the course of this drug war.


New Member
Saw it a couple of years back great doco on the subject i would also recommend HIGH: The True Tale of American Marijuana



Well-Known Member
it's a shame this was done in 07', and so few have seen it!!! real eye opener, for sure....peace
Now I'm just plain pissed at the Feds for destroying peoples' lives for profit. Therefore, I'm re-committing myself to assisting others' in their growing efforts.

Sometimes, I wish I would get arrested for a bullshit cannabis possession misdemeanor. This would give me the opportunity to put the government on trial with a jury of my peers.