The Colorado Marijuana Initiative 2012


Well-Known Member
that is a great bill that will never pass it is written too liberally (which i prefer), but it will increase young and progressive voter turnout in colorado, which will help tip the state to the candidate that is less hostile to MMJ, which i also good news.

again, i love the bill, but i do not think it will pass. legalization failed 61-38 just 5 years ago in colorado.


New Member
I will be optimistic. I think that people are coming around. We showed that 50 or 60% isn't enough but I think the numbers are growing as more and more baby boomers parents meet their maker. I hope that we can overcome but I know that corporations have more rights than we do now so we need to have some much better numbers, more like 80% but I think that is obtainable :)

It is time the libertarians takeover, Ron Paul is giving us a good push and the youth is largely libertarian. Just waiting on the old people who are set in their ways to die off. In colorado look at the young woman libertarian running for congress, casida i think is her name.


Active Member
Unfortunately 2012 will not pass, however Initiative 30 does have a chance. 30 is nowhere near as good but I will be voting yes on anything pro Cannabis.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Everyone should get behind this, whether you live in CO or not. If it passes there it would set precedent. Only a matter of time until others follow suit.
I lke this bill a lot. UB points out that a similar bill failed five years ago, but times are a changing. Get it on the ballot, let voters decide.

I would like to see a similar bill in California.