

Cheese Head
well since no one is answering my questions Ill ask 2 more :) is 30-10-10 plant food to strong? And I know int the faqs it says position the CFL about 2-3 inchs but that seems awfully hot on the tip of the plant in the pic the bulbs are about well you can see for yourself. Please help


Well-Known Member
set up a fan to blow on the lights. And yes those nutes are very strong. For veg I use a 5-1-1 for flower I use 1-1-5 tiger bloom.


Cheese Head
Ok I have a fan setup in there Im going to take some more picture of how everything is set up and my temps of everything. PLease bear with me im a noob I have been reading about growing for over a year but every book I read is different from the last.


Cheese Head
Ok here they are answer there questions please yes or no
1.Light Distance from plant alright?
2.Room Temperature alright?
3.Plant Temperature alright?
4.Bulb Temperature alright?
5.Plants look alright?
6.After 4 weeks should I start feeding them? 5-1-1? or something close



Cheese Head
Please tell me in detail in there is anything i need to change I plan on leaving them on 24/7. How does everything looks? Too hot to cold? To close or to far away? I plan on feedin them after 4 weeks from first sprout..





Well-Known Member
The only way to actually learn something is to do it. We understand dude. Don't stop asking questions though. Experience is the best techer.