Take out an extra bulb for less heat?


Well-Known Member
So ive been struggling with keeping heat down. I now have the AC running, but my growbox (2 rubbermaids) is still at about 88-89 degrees.

I have the following CFLs hooked up
4 5000K 23 watt bulbs
1 5000K 43 watt bulb
1 2700K 43 watt bulb

do you think it would be a better idea to take out the 2700K since the extra lumens it provides isnt worth the extra heat generated? Growth has been pretty slow, but my plants are also sativas, so i dont know if thats expected.

the 2700K is also not directly over the plants (other bulbs are), and is probably about 6 inches away (off to the side), so i dont even know if its contributing much light as it is.



Well-Known Member
I know it can be tough but I don't recommend skimping on light. Do something else instead. Maybe some duct work from the A/c? IDK but dont take the light away!
good luck.


Well-Known Member
Adding fans to pull the heat out of the box helps big time. I went from one small comp fan pulling heat out to the comp fan and a 6" small desk top fan that I fitted into the side of my box and saw a massive change. My temps went from over 95* to 83* at the hottest.


Well-Known Member
right now i have like a 6" fan and also one of the huge room fans next to it, and its still pretty damn hot. i took out the 2700K to see if the temp. changes much and i will be noting the growth of them.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if taking out that extra bulb had an affect, but i could tell my plants were growing faster after just a day. the temp. dropped about 3 degrees to 85-86 after taking it out.
i took pictures just before i took the light bulb out, so i will have a comparison in a few days.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if its a shitty light bulb, but the 2700K 42 watt generates about 7 degrees of added temperature by itself... i hope all 2700K arent so hot, otherwise i have no idea what to do during flowering.


Well-Known Member
The other I got two 42watt 2700k bulbs, it was my first time using them. I hooked them and put them the same distance away as my 23w bulbs. Luckily I came back quick bc it was starting to burn cola leaves. I swear those 42w's are almost not worth the trouble. I would rather have two 23w's like two inches from my girls (with no burn)...