

Well-Known Member
someone made a post about transplanting and it made me think to ask a question about transplanting...i have soaked my root in superthrive while transplanting..has anyone else done this before.. just wondering if yall had better result by soaking first or just making the soil wet and planting into new soil...ive only done it once it could have just been a lucky transplant need other input too


Well-Known Member
I used to use superthrive every watering, but found it makes plants stay in veg longer than normal when trying to flower. If you search, you will find the same experiences with others.


Well-Known Member
i meant just soaking the roots in it when going to transplant..i water with it.and seems to help


Well-Known Member
You've already heard my view on transplanting, but i'll echo it here for anyone else who might be interested. The less time the roots are disturbed, the better. I recommend just taking out the entire rootball (dry), with all the old soil still attached, and sticking it straight into the larger pot, which should be partly filled with soil already. Add extra soil to the spaces at the sides, then water in thoroughly.

I have heard others saying they use superthrive to help prevent "transplant shock", but I have never lost a plant, or even seen any kind of shock using this method.


Well-Known Member
puttingsuperthrive onto the root cubes don't do no harh if anything it will aid for theroots to grow faster and more healthy dont use feed with nutes that you may be feeding other plants this will cause yellowing of leaves i start with proper feed after about 2 week depending on the roots if there showing also superthrive does not make a plant veg longer that is utter crap and if it did i use it in my nute mix anyway sounds like your doing ok just don'y use much a couple of drops.