Super Lemon Haze (greenhouse seed co.)


Well-Known Member
Well I've finally hit the 60 day cure mark. Things have really improved with the long cure, would really suggest 30+ days of jar time with this strain!

To start with, I got a great phenotype. Grows like the indica pheno but has all the haze attributes. Very strong smell and taste. Carbon filters a MUST! Turned my fans off and could smell it 3 houses away.

Tastes like a haze 3 with more citral undertones. Real lung expander; feels like taking a hit of BHO out a bong. Very smooth smoke for the amount of resin. Bud can be pressed onto any surface and sticks!

On with the hit.

Initially your eyelids feel heavy right after your hit (much like super silver). The first 5-10 minutes you can feel the high right behind your eyes, as if its pushing your eyes out of its sockets. After this i start to get rolling body chills. Feels like an early morning stretch. This feeling persists for about an hour an a half. During the last half of the buzz it is VERY thought provoking. Fun herb to puff and design a grow room or play music on. Puts you in the zone. If sitting still it can provide a couch lock high with amazing cerebral enhancement. When up and moving around I'd say its like drinking a huge cup of coffee without getting jittery. High is very spacey and can cause you to be distracted or go off in mental tangents until your use to it. The third hour is all haze. Like walking through a lucid dream. Its the type of bud that you can lose your phone and spend 20 minutes shuffling around your room looking for it while talking to a buddy (on your phone). But besides the sudden spurt of dizziness and blonde moments, its energetic yet relaxing. Very psychological.
good report , thanks for the pics. I just got arjans #3 ordered and about to start them. In general im a bit of a skeptic , and hear so much shit talk about ghs , but alas i broke down and ordered 3 strains from them. i wont be suprised if they arent all that great , but some will so they are worth a shot , i dont mind pheno hunting.


Well-Known Member
My experience with haze 3 was great! The cut I was working with finished in 10 weeks. Smells and tastes classic. Its probably the most distinct smelling herb I've encountered. Im very happy to have a few of these traits in the haze.

I dont know why people bash greenhouse. I think the majority of it is people regurgitating negativity they have read, or are naive that maybe they didn't grow the plant perfect first go around. I've had close to 100% germ rate dropping them in a cup of water; let them float until they germ an sink to the bottom, then wait for a decent little root I can poke down into rockwool. No nutes until it has its first real leaf. I've been high and let paper towels dry out, lol, t hi is fool proof.. Sometimes you get really finicky phenotypes, but you can pick them out easily early on so its a non issue.
Thanks for the report and pics.
I got SLH from a CO rec shop and it is fantastic.
From your experience, what strain(s)come closest
to the effects of SLH?


Well-Known Member
I took a clone right before flower and one during pre flower just as it was starting to sex.


Well-Known Member
I have super silver, trainwreck, and lemon skunk in the at bat circle now. Will start a journal when I start to flower


Well-Known Member
Nothin like a killer silver haze pheno.

The lemon has that heavy cerebral blanket high like the silver does, so I'd say that.

Blue dream and other haze hybrids will carry different traits but this is by far the closest. The indica mixes with the sativa nicely. Each have their own duration and dont wash each other out


Well-Known Member
Update: after 7 mo. cure the haze has turned into a couch lock s.o.b.

Still very thought provoking, and if you keep moving is still motivational. Its turned a little less spacey and more narcotic. Reminds me much more of super silver than it did fresh.

Not sure which high i like better. The cured is def. better for evening time compared to the caffeine type buzz it gives off tue first 3-5 months


Well-Known Member
Skyrocket, post pics please!!! Really wanna see canna in action. You run tue whole line? I have aqua vega A and B sitting in my cabinet waiting for a side by side