Suggestions on next lights


Active Member
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I appreciate it.

Current set up is 5X5 tent (only grow in 1/2 of it). Have already built and run one panel of (4 lights) CXB3590 3000k, and one panel of (4 lights) CXB3590 3500k.

In your opinion, what would be a good next step in LEDs to round out the spectrum?

EDIT: Currently stuck with using this set up for veg and flower, but hope to build a dedicated veg room this winter.


Well-Known Member
I thin no one can answer this as we don't even know, we just throw things at the plants and it works, optimally, we don't know yet... I would obviously say reds, but I wouldn't follow that as I can't give any reason why.. the more I think on spectrum the more I just don't get it, how HPS is killer but has a awful spectrum... beyond me

for veg, from my experience testing since ufo came out, and having nearly every panel to test.. I liked my 4500k built panel best.. honestly not sure why it performed a smudge better then a 6500k and 5000k and a 3000k, all maybe it was is the spectrum of red and blue and not dominate to one of the other??? blue and red panels work fine but they obviously are horrible to work under so I suggest white , 4,500k. I would obviously also put the veg lights on dimmers, even my XM-L2 could veg with like nothing once they got to 5 set leaf, this also makes great tool for speeding up, slowing down, clones, moms, seedlings you name it as you know..

have fun