Statistics Canada wants to know how much you'd pay for cannabis..what a fucking joke


Well-Known Member
Statistics Canada appears to be wrapping up a year-long poll to monitor the price that Canadians are willing to pay for cannabis.

The federal statistician has been collecting data on the topic since at least January. Now, the question of the month for November is: “Cannabis has been legalized, and Statistics Canada is measuring prices before and after the change in legislation. We want to hear from consumers—what price are you willing to pay?”

This is at least the fourth time Statistics Canada has asked Canadians about pot prices.

According to data collected so far, Canadians are paying an average of $6.84 per gram for cannabis. Quebec is offering the product at the cheapest prices. Consumers there are paying $5.83 per gram. Ontarians are paying $7.42 per gram. The most expensive pot in Canada can be found in the Territories (which have been grouped together) where customers are paying an average of $10.82 per gram, according to Statistics Canada.


Well-Known Member
NOTHING for the best damn herb growing at home or in the back yard.
You fools.No one wants high priced five year old poison shwags..
YOu tried to fuck us..

we could care lesss what happens to your deal that was set up to fuck patients and supply recreation from day one!


Well-Known Member
"Statistics Canada wants to know how much you'd pay for cannabis"

Hahaha good luck with that. ESPECIALLY after it got out to the public that StatsCan will be reviewing the entirety of 500,000 Canadians banking info without their knowing. Every single penny moved, they want to know it all. Crooks being run by crooks


Well-Known Member
The weed from the ontario website is garbadge! Peace naturals opened a second company called Cove just to sell all of there garbadge they have been saving up for legalization day. They are sending 1 gram bags of shake with no flower!
Its the same weed sold across the country. Its all garbage and all looks like that. They have HUNDREDS of thousands of pounds of years old cannabis in storage they need to offload. Not that the newer batches will improve.

The nice thing is a lot of these companies are publicly traded so you can check their quarterly reports to see how much they add to storage. Its been going on years now. Mostly because no patients would buy that garbage. At a higher price to boot.