

Well-Known Member
Is this the place where I write something.

Are you crazy cray like the dude that was here a bit ago ACTUALLY saying he was the Messiah?

I kinda think - that just about everyone that has "heard Gawd talking to them" is potentially on the BEST SHIT EVER - or schizophrenic.

Not that there's anything wrong with THAT!


New Member
Hello slavy and welcome! Are you a patient, wannabe LP, LP, doctor perhaps?
Thank you. I'm in the process of becoming a patient, just waiting to get my medical records and such :)

Hey Slavy! Welcome.
Hello :D

For your first post it's pretty good. I'd like to be the first to tell you to fuck off, and welcome again.

Haha thanks
bongsmilieHey Slavy,
Howdy there!

Hope I can contribute when possible :cool: