So about these seeds...


Well-Known Member
Bag seeds. From some damn good nugs of Deathstar. Assuming from a banana event, but who knows for sure but the grower....

Got 4... 2 rounder lighter color but healthy... and 2 nice tan w/ stripes, really kind of a neat layered color effect... anyhow, I digress....

My question... of these 4 seeds, what are the odds the germ'd plants will be male, or grow hermie right off?

I've done this once with a bag seed from DS, grew out a great female plant, only dropped about 2oz, but it was friggin' great... bitch would not clone to save my life, must have tried like 6-7 attempts.... Had same with a lemon diesel i was growin'... clones just said no, lol....

Whatcha think? How many girls from this? 1in4? 50/50? 4/4 cuz its a self pollinated fem clone? 90% they all herms?

Not a breeder (yet) so I dunno....thx for the input :)


bud bootlegger
if they're selfed beans, meaning the plant herm'ed and pollinated itself, then all of the beans will be fem'ed, but with just as high of a chance of herm'ing as the parent had..
if they're not selfed, than the chance of them being female or males should be right around 50% imvho..