shroom ID

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
just a quick question.
i read a thread on here yesterday and it said any shroom with a purple spore print contains psycolibe. dose this mean absolutley any mushroom with a purple spore print is safe to eat and will not poison me?



Active Member
In most cases yes, but there are still a few out there that are not Psc. containing.

So, on that note, let me be the one to say, do not eat a mushroom without proper identification...It can(very rare,but...)kill you. Hit up for some ID help or just to learn about the wonderful world of mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
Or if you see a light Blue bruising on the stems :hump:
Can indicate the presence of psilocybin, but there are plenty of poisonous blueing species out there too. You really only cut or bruise the stem to see if the ones you bought on the street are likely legit (that is, if one doesn't know exactly what they look like exactly when dried).
