Should I Flower??

Hey heres some pics and i wanna know if i should go ahead and flower....about how much should come off of them....they are about 14inches tall and i dont want them very big...neways....someone let me know a lil somethin bout it....oh yeh...they are a lil droopy cuz i had just misted them before the pics...they are nice and healthy...good ph and everything....thanks...


like i said in my first post they are droopy cuz of me misting them before the pics water sittin on the leaves weighs em down a lil bit...they are perfectly perky 98% of the time....havnt really seen signs of sex yet but i can wait till i see with my naked eye and still be okay, right?....and what kinda nutes (cheap ones) should i get for flowering...ive been giving shultz 10-15-10 but what do i get for flowering...this is my first time jus tryin to do it semi right...


Well-Known Member
like i said in my first post they are droopy cuz of me misting them before the pics water sittin on the leaves weighs em down a lil bit...they are perfectly perky 98% of the time....havnt really seen signs of sex yet but i can wait till i see with my naked eye and still be okay, right?....and what kinda nutes (cheap ones) should i get for flowering...ive been giving shultz 10-15-10 but what do i get for flowering...this is my first time jus tryin to do it semi right...

my bad man, totally missed it :eyesmoke: they look great then! youll be fine, it just might turn out to be a male but its all a learnin experience.

you should get a low N and high P-K for flowering


Well-Known Member
go ahead and flower they could double in height and if necessary you can cut the first set of leaves if they are dying off otherwise u may not want to clip it cuz of photosynthesis but later down the road you may find it necessary to clip a leaf or two cuz of the light not hitting buds and thats when you want to clip one or two leaves i would say no more than 4
yes a four foot florescent double know its cheap but they have done beautiful so far...going to get some low kelvin (temp) lights for the small fixtures today to i guess start the flowering....