Shitty Timing Indeed...


Well-Known Member
Well me and my buddy just spent over $100 on grow stuff and had it in the trunk of his car. He was heading over to my place to drop it all off and he got hit by some old lady. She ran a red flashing light (power just got knocked out so the lights were screwed) spun the car out and he almost hit a tree. So he exchanged info then went to my girlfriends (I was at her place already) and once he stopped outside his tires went flat and came off the rims (I am assuming from driving a block after the crash). So we had to unload allllll the shit out of his trunk (not to mention the other "stuff" he had hidden in his car) and put it in my girlfriends house while he waited for the car to get towed. And of course it starts to pour rain while we're unloading.

Oh well its all good now, hopefully it isnt a write-off. Oh and yea he is fine.


Well-Known Member
No injuries....No 5-0 involved....Came away with all your supplies and other "stuff".....Could have been 10x's worse......It still was a good day.


Well-Known Member
lol, carrying hydro shop stuff down the block. if i was lookin out the window at the time id be laughin

"lol look at those dudes carryin all there shit"

then try and help. although not many ppl would let a stranger carry there new gear.

at least it all worked out