santa rosa, cali????


Well-Known Member
I was just reading about santa rosa now charging for EMT services. over $300 per call?
we all know why this state is imploding.
...what is the fuckin agenda to keep these people around? What work? to save face to who? them!? to suspend our constutitional rights for who? them!?
look for other sanctuary cities/states to follow suit and charge double for a single service provided.


Well-Known Member
so what? you call an ambulance its gonna cost you at least a couple thousand if not more, you walk into an emergency room it's gonna cost you at least a few hundred bucks if not more just to walk through the door...


Well-Known Member
you're right, so fuckin what.
its not like public service is tax funded.
whats the price for calling 911 in santa rosa again?
debating on a $350 fee for fire department responses to emergency?
lol soon they are going to charge a fee for the police to come and lock your ass up.

Santa Rosa fire officials are concerned about how city residents will respond to being charged $350 when paramedics show up at their door for a medical emergency.
They have reason to be. It’s a bad idea — particularly given where the city is in confronting its fiscal crisis.
The fee is one of a number of revenue-generating proposals the City Council will be discussing. Others include a quarter-cent sales tax increase (generating $7 million a year), a $50 parcel tax (generating $2.5 million) and a 3 percent boost in the city’s hotel tax ($1.2 million).
The fire fee idea calls for charging $350 anytime firefighters are called to a home or apartment for a medical emergency. Residents would have the option of buying insurance against that charge by paying a voluntary $4-a-month fee.
Such fees are in place in a number of other California communities, including Sonoma.

you can keep reading........


Well-Known Member
an ambulance ride here costs $500 if you dont have insurance, is there a place where there are free ambulance rides?


New Member
Welcome to the People's Republic of Kommiefornia.

When the people continue voting San Francisco/Berkeley liberals into office, this is what ya get. The entire nation soon to follow suit.



New Member
$4 per month times how many addresses in town for "911" insurance? I wonder what that will rake in per month?

What if you're in a car accident and someone else calls the ambulance even though you didn't want it, do they have to pay since they called?

If they're charging for that, they'd better make sure you don't have to wait more than a couple of minutes.

Santa Rosa's population in 2007 was 157986, if you divide that by 4 (we're calling every four people one family at one address) then take it time $4 per month, that's right, they're taking in $157,986.00 per month for "911 insurance". In one years time they will generate 1,895,832.00. I bet there aren't paying out that much for 911 calls though.

It's just another scam. Someone should ask, where is the budget money allotted for 911 going to?


New Member
Miss ...

Fees for 9-11 calls is only scratching the surface here in Commiefonia. The entire state legislature is whacked. Our school systems are whacked. Our taxes are through the roof, gangs are running wild, Spanish is becoming our first language and government employee union benefits, including outlandish retirement programs are driving the producers out of the state. Honestly, if it weren't for the weather and family, I'd be up in the Pacific NorthWest.



Well-Known Member
wow, photobucket said that the photo above has "violated our terms of use" and they erased it.
(im not sure how the photo above is still on display)
hahaha its ok I got 21 million more examples.