Safe to order HPS online with a credit card


Well-Known Member
Is it, or is it a very bad idea, like the cops will be knocking on my door with in weeks lol.

Kinda need advice from anyone who has done this before.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Is it, or is it a very bad idea, like the cops will be knocking on my door with in weeks lol.

Kinda need advice from anyone who has done this before.
Yes it is completly safe to order Lights, tents, soil, ferts, nutes, and even seeds online.

I have ordered all my grow equptiment online, even my seeds. No cops no problems. Here is a link to a site that I get just about everything from. Great company fast shipping good prices.

Secret Jardin


Well-Known Member
Yes it is completly safe to order Lights, tents, soil, ferts, nutes, and even seeds online.

I have ordered all my grow equptiment online, even my seeds. No cops no problems. Here is a link to a site that I get just about everything from. Great company fast shipping good prices.

Secret Jardin

Ok, a few people told me not too. That is the site i was gonna use. Whats it show on your credit card statement?


Well-Known Member
i got my hps off of ebay..

but where every you get it

its not ilegal to order lights...


Well-Known Member
I order seeds all the time from The Attitude and use my own Credit card never had a problem.

In b4 your swat teamed.

JK, hopefully it stays that way for ya.

I have the cash now so ill probably just pay cash. Heading out to HTG tomorrow, they are 2 hours away from me but id like to see the fixtures before I choose one and see what else they got. It sucks they dont carry insulated duct. My regular homodepot duct fell apart on me so i crushed it


Active Member
I doubt anyone is that special to be watched for such small purchases. Does it make sense to spend thousands of dollars to catch a 100 purchase? Not really. And if it makes the news what is it going to be a huge bust of one light and a few seeds. How embarrassing that would be for the police? Not worth the time or money. Now a huge grow op, now that might draw some attention.