***roots outgrowing pots!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have four plants three are in 4 inch pots they are 3 weeks old and the other plants is in a red solo cup (beer pong cup) anyways the roots are fkin outgrowing this cup bad im talkin 6 inches of a root hangin out....is this going to affect my plants growth...what do i do transplant? Also these plants have been flowering for a week...had to induce it due to time so the plants are very big and have been transplanted and buried once any help is needed!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well a cup that size is of course very small and going to drastically affect yield. If your asking how to make the plant live in the cup, take the bonsai approach and simply trim the visible roots. Transplanting would be better though.


Well-Known Member
just transplanted it into a two liter is this this goin to hurt me since they are flowering???????????????


Well-Known Member
it really could....stress is always a serious factor to avoid during flowering...and if i were you i would have potted them up to at the minimum 1 gallon pots. all the best of luck though.



Well-Known Member
I put my seedlings in minimum 3 gallon containers when im doing mix."The bigger the roots,the bigger the fruits" :peace:


New Member
No... they can take it just be patient and careful with them. Put your fingers 'spock" lke between the stem and turn the cup upside down. If it doesn't slide out easily, lightly tap the bottom...it should come out. Better if the soil is drier than wet since soil expands with moisture. You'll want to water after transplant anyways. Set your pots up with the soil before you transpalant and do one at a time...repeat as necessary. :peace:

If you are not going to grow past a 3 gallon...next time simply place your seeds from the get go into the 3G. More transplanting equals more stress and chances to futz it up. Like an English Lit paper...keep it simple and to the point.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok so am i fked since im transplanting during flowering???????
i just transplanted two plants two weeks ago that were in flower, one of i think was destined to die and the other one did fine, i think its a dude though.... hope that helps. if they go hermie it isnt a big deal because it doesnt sound like you have made a huge investment or anything. also three weeks in a 16oz cup is really pushin it. i have had my best results putting my germed seeds directly into a two gallon pot with some extra ff peace of mind added in...


Well-Known Member
ok so am i fked since im transplanting during flowering???????
Yeah what Jax said just be careful and under water them a day or 2 before hand so they will come out in the cylinder shape he's talking about.Fluff youre roots a little and put the plant into the new container w/ mix in the bottom sit it in,cover it up and water or feed.Youre buds wont be as big as they could have been but its a lesson learned.If you use big pots.Move up to 5 gallon pots and you will have bigger roots,stalks and buds.If ya put a good size clone in them look out add wind and sunshine and ya get big girls.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well i transplanted them into two liter bottles im hoping they do good i did exactly wat u sed they didnt slid out easy but i got em out withouht damage i think neways..i wasnt really seeing ne growth out of ne of the plants and theyve been flowering for a week so do you think that could have been why...the pots wernt big enough????


New Member
No, they would have stayed veg... you said it yourself, you induced flowering...it's more about light cycle than pot size.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok so will they grow on schedule like they wer or will they take longer to flower also what week of flowering should i see the preflowers and do male or female preflowers show first?????????