root problem


Well-Known Member
That would be root rot
Use hydrogen peroxide in your rez, lower the water temps, get the rez light proof
That are the three ways to correct it
Put in new fresh water pHed and with some h202 in it


I would be pulling them out, pruning them back to fresh bits, repotting and hoping they live through it - that a pretty bad case.


Well-Known Member
Lol so were you planning on just letting the plant have root rot
When you don't care of it it will get that bad


Well-Known Member
holy shit...bacteria,hydrogen peroxide might help.but that is the worst case ive seen,but good luck,hope the best for them girls


Active Member
what is this? help!!!
Holy fuck, that's about the worst bacteria attack I've seen, I almost threw up :spew:

What do the plants look like, they got to be drooping like a weeping willow.

You need to get aggressive to have any chance of saving these plants. Take the netpot out of the lid, trim off all of the roots down to the pot, and soak the pots and roots in a seperate container filled with 6.0 pH water and 1/3 cup of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide per gallon (the stuff you can get at a drug store). See this link, post 8 under over-watering, for an example of soaking:

While the plants are soaking, thoroughly clean the reservoir with a bleach solution. Clean EVERYTHING. Let everything (except the plants, of course) soak in a bleach solution for about an hour. Get new airstones and tubing. THOROUGHLY rinse everything with fresh water.

When you're ready to put it all back together, mix up a batch of 1/4 strength nutrients with some Superthrive or other root stimulant. Add 1/4 cup per gallon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to this solution. Put the plants back in the reservoir. Add two tablespoons of 3% H2O2 per 5 gallons of water in the reservoir per day until new roots start forming. Pray.

You'll be pushing the limits with the H2O2, but these plants are probably toast anyways.

And fix the reasons this occured in the first place: high water temps, light leaks, poor aeration, etc.!


Well-Known Member
Damn that looked like an alien was gonna hatch out of it or something.
hope u can get that under control. Do u have an idea what ur culprit is yet?
Dayum this look like sumting out of Aliens, this scares me very much so, why did this happen.... my roots have also just started dreadlocking up an have a bit of of a slimey feel.. so seeing this has put the beeeeegeeeeeeezers up me. Im still trying to determine why the 2 uk exodus cheese have this and my white window is fine all in thier 3 rd week of flowering praying to the big ganja man in the sky for my girls...


Active Member
can u take clones off of those plants and start again with clean containers and misc...?
Sure, if the plants aren't in bad shape. He's perfected growing bacteria but probably not marijuana yet, though, and I reckon the plants look pretty bad by now...
You should have seen the buckets. It took over everything! It covered the air stones, the tubing, the sides of the bucket and the roots.

I had literally just changed the water 2 days before and I was actually impressed with how well the roots were doing. I ended up having an early harvest. I didn't want that stuff in my grow room.

I ran:
Advanced Nutrients (sensi a,b)
Botanicare Sweet
and Synergy

I don't know what caused it but something caused all three buckets to start a bacteria bath.

The plants were very tiny, and looked pathetic. I got maybe 3/4 an ounce off the three of them. Then threw those buckets in the trash.

I had got taken them over from a friend, and just couldn't turn them around.

