reservoir ???


Active Member
i`m planning on a hidro DWC. my question is, what is the smaller reservoir i can have for 1 o r 2 plants. i1m thinking small beacuse is a small growbox, will be SCROGing. and for the small reservoir what specs of air pump, and airstone.

also have other ? on nutrients. the best ones for the price???


Well-Known Member
i just cut a piece of foam a bit smaller , say 7x11 and cut holes for the pots, tadaa you have yourself a floating tray


Well-Known Member
Yes, depth is important, you have to think about how much room the roots will have to grow in when they get big (how big you want your plants to be will determine size of tank you need also) unless your talking about a seperate tank, one that holds water/nuts and a second tank with the net pots in them???


Active Member
Maybe something like this
Hydroponic Systems - Deep Water Culture aka DWC or

I would say 1 plant a 10 Litre bucket min, I have 2 Mother plants in a 2 sited 21 Litre bucket, and they are fine. But I only uses these buckets for slow growth which suits me Mamas. (mamas 18" in height, which would be plenty if as you said just want small Ladies.)

Just an opinion, i am no expert,...Hope this helps


Active Member
taking in consideration that. my problem is with heigh beacuse is a grow box 36'' high maybe 40'' no much more thant that and with a tall bucket is not going to work. Nice links makes it more easier to visualize. thankx


Active Member
Depends on what you are growing, with the height you got I would suggest mostly indica strain(or a high % of indica), cause sativa is know to grow tall:weed:, fast.

I would take cuttings from Mamas or from seed, let them take root and then veg it to maybe when they are 6"-8" tall, then start flowering the young ladies (the dutch way like lots of little Ladies [per meter Sq], and the Americian way like one or a few massive one[per meter Sq]). (final height would be approx 3-4 time the height you first put them into flower.)

Rememeber you will need space on top for the lights:shock:.too

Look into super cropping too, as this might let you fidddle around with the Ladies height.
......hope this helps a little.

Just started my first grow journal come on in and have a look:idea: