Removing taste and smell?


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to get rid of the taste and smell when cooking with canna? I'd like to make some yummies, and i'd prefer they taste just as yummy as usual.


Well-Known Member
When your coooking up your gear it smells but no worse that smoking some bud ,just open a window ............ add extra choco or what ever it is your making. Sativa plants are more pleasent to eat ................... A Heavy indcia can taste bad somtimes because your not used to that strong thick taste and the reminder of that taste can make you feel a bit off and sick and its a heavier stoned so it can be unpleasent somtimes ..... ....................................................................................................I make a 3 min mix choco Cake add my butter make the cake and eat with ice cream strawberry pinnapple chunks all the juice from the fruit and Vit,s make it a nice buzz when it starts to disolve .............. H4L