Read this pathetic excuse for an op ed piece


Well-Known Member

They posit ridiculous extrapolations of reality to fit a narrative that is not anywhere near accurate. It's partisan political bullshit. I hope this garbage doesn't actually influence anybodies opinion on cannabis and its use in Canadian society. Funny thing is, they will not allow comments on the article because it is so deluded.

A little bit of money and you can print your fascist opinions denigrating a large proportion of society...absolutely pathetic.

We are going to win this war and its going to be wonderful to see all the salty tears running down the cheeks of the establishments funded by the war on drugs. Another Pam McColl spewing nonsense. It's about time these individuals step up for a political debate and accept other portions of society have valid opinions related to the propaganda presented in their fallacious arguments.

Enjoy a nice toke and relax, it's a beautiful day to be Canadian and enjoy the liberties that are afforded by our sovereign state.


Well-Known Member
The overwhelming majority of Canadians support legalization so who the fuck are they trying to convince of their viewpoints? No one cares about their ass backwards views on a harmless plant.


Well-Known Member
Was hoping to tell him how i feel on twitter but his last tweet is about tying bow ties from 2012. Also pretty sure he uses mustache wax on his eyebrows (wtf) and should stick to cp24 where people accidentally hear his dog shit opinions while checking the weather.