putting germinated seeds in ag


Active Member
can someone tell me how they do this??? i kno the root that pops out goes in facing down but how far down? do i keepp it near the surface so it sprouts quick or at the bottom so the little root is near the bottom near the hole its gonna grow threw? also 1 of my seeds germinated weird the whole seed popped off leaving me with the 2 leaves beggining to open with a tiny root the whole thing is kinda curled up so i duunnno how i should put it in cuz if i face the root down the other end points down tooo pleaasse ne help? im finally getting started just gotta get past this speed bump


Active Member
Cut the sponge in half on one side so its like book. Then clear out a path from the top of the sponge to the bottom so the root can grow easily. You place the seed (the shell part) right in the little hole at the top of the sponge and make sure the taproot is pointing downwards in the sponge.

Check out my grow in my signature if you need n e help.