purchasing seeds with a credit card


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a $50 American Express prepaid gift card to purchase my seeds from seedboutique.com. Unfortunately Seed Boutique is located in the UK and this giftcard is only valid in the US. Does anybody know if there are any prepaid (anonymous) gift cards that can be used outside of the united states?

Also my second question is How risky is it to purchase cannabis seeds with a normal credit card? keep in mind i live in california and plan to get a MMJ card before i begin growing. I am just wondering is simply ordering the seeds from my credit card enough evidence to be convicted of intent to grow or something like that. I am most worried about the federal gov and i dont think they would really bother with 10 seeds for a 3'x3' grow...

any help is appreciated,

p.s. and please respond only if you have some knowledge on the issue, no conspiracy theorists please


Well-Known Member
I have ordered twice using my own credit card, from two different places. Once I had the seeds sent to my own home, the other time they were sent to a safe address. I didn't have any problems. One of them was like 3yrs ago and the other was like a yr ago. If you just get your med rec, you can just go into the clubs and buy clones. There is no point in ordering seeds if you can jsut get clones. They are guaranteed female, and they are only like $10-$20 each.