PugButts 2nd Grow! Success!


Active Member
I kept this baby on the downlow, untill now!

My 1st attempt at a grow turned into a giant monster of a plant that was struggling to flower even though it was in flower for 5+ weeks. It eventually got too big for itself, bent over and snapped the main cola..

This one I planted on 4-20, and harvested it a couple of days ago!

Set Up!
It was on 12/12 its whole life, since I planted it when I was trying to flower my other one.
Miracle Grow Extended Release Soil
Started out with 2 6500k CFLs on it, and as soon as it showed sex, I made a new gid-up. Then it had I think a total of 8 2700K CFLs on this baby. And I started giving it Fox Farms Big Bloom. Thats what the magic happend!

I had 2 plants, but one turned into a male, and I axed it.



Active Member
Final Flowering, and HARVEST!

I had to harvest a little early, but I used my 30x magnifier, and most of the tricomes were cloudy, with a few amber sprinkled about. :mrgreen:

I dont have a final weight, because Im broke and dont have a scale. But Ill get one and give a final dry weight when its done drying. I have it in a big paper bag right now, and am going to transfer it to glass jars in a couple of days.

What Y'all Think?



Well-Known Member
very good job its hard to get good bud with clf grow but you did it to. when are you going to start yor next grow? maby we can start a clf grow at the same time?


Active Member
I think its going to be a while untill my next grow.. This should tide my urge for growing for a while untill I have another safe place to grow


Active Member
The buds have shrunk a conciderable amount.. That MEGA-bud in the picture shrunk down to a little thicker than my thumb. But, Im hoping its going to be some pretty decent stuff

that dude

Active Member
im a noob here just had a few question about your clf grow.

the lighs you used do you know about the total lumans of all 8 lights?
how long did it take under those clf lights to grow plant to harvest?
i never knew you could flower with clf lights is it jusr bejusr you got alot of them. and did you have any prob with heat becuase there were 8 lights for one plant?



Active Member
im a noob here just had a few question about your clf grow.

the lighs you used do you know about the total lumans of all 8 lights?
each light was 1600 lumens.. Therefore 12,800 lumens

how long did it take under those clf lights to grow plant to harvest?
About 3 months. From seed to harvest.

i never knew you could flower with clf lights is it jusr bejusr you got alot of them. and did you have any prob with heat becuase there were 8 lights for one plant?
Even though I had the lights up close to the plant, I did not have any issues with heat. Unless it was touching the plant..

No dry weight yet. In a couple more days, Im going to put it into jars..


Active Member
Well, the drying is done and I've put it in jars to cure. I took a little bit and smoked some last night. I took enough to roll a joint and a bowl. I took about 2 bong hits and felt pretty good, but not all that high. This bud seems to give more of a body high than a mind fuck high. Then I smoked the whole joint, and that took it to a whole new level. I got higher than I've ever been before, whenever I smoke time always goes by slow, but this time it was intense. Definite couch lock high. I wish I could say more about the high, but honestly I cant remember hardly anything that happened, just that I was extremely high. The taste isn't anything to write home about, standard pot taste. The smell though, doesn't smell at all like pot, I'm not sure exactly what it smells like, sort of a mix between a Christmas tree and corn. Its a really strange smell that makes you want to keep smelling it. :confused:

edit: Also, I can't believe how much these buds shrank after being dried, I knew they would shrink, but didn't realize they would so much. I guess thats the main downside to using CFL's.

I have not weighed it yet. From looking at the dry buds, what would you guesstamate?



Well-Known Member
Nice harvest man. I have to say, that is the FIRST time I have ever seen anyone harvest like that- leaving the main stem in the ground and cutting all the buds off lol. Everyone else just cuts the plant down. Not knocking ya, just a humorous oservation.