Prob Or Not??


Well-Known Member
Im using pro mix and my plans are about 15 days old my biggest bushiest one looks like the top half droopped over the first half??? Is that too much watering??? The Bottom First Leaves are just now turning yellow to fall of but so are the 2 Big Bladed leaves above it look like there getting lighter in color to turn yellow? and the midles of too of my plants are getting a dark tint to the CENTER of the plant i danno if its a purple yet or brown color :confused: the pics i would show you wouldnt have enuff detail to see what im talking about.. Visit my grow Journal theres a link in my signature... Thnx


Well-Known Member
it sounds like over watering to me. you should always let the soil dry thoroughly between waterings. theres a few techniques to testing if its time to water. i call them the weight test and the finger test. the names say it all, but if you never heard of these, ill explain


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the thing My plants are in See thru plastic cups with drainage Ok... I know there dry when theres no more condensation build up on the side of my cups. When I water them 2 hours later theres tons of condensation on the inside of the cups so thats how I base my watering.. And I put my finger in the soil too...



Well-Known Member
ok it doesnt look as bad as i imagined it.

thats a good logic way to test if you need water, but 1 small flaw. roots and light dont get allong, so if you can see any roots, they can see light, and will need to be covered. if your not ready to transplant, id put some good ol duct tape around the cup

the minor purpling could be from the cold, does it get cold in your growroom?

i also see a leaf curling upwards. it could be heat stress or minor nuteburn. i doubt your using nutes yet. does your soil have nutes in it?


Well-Known Member
No my soil is Pro Mix it has no nutes... My grow room temp with the lights on is like 28-29degrees Depending Lower if the Fans are on high speed but for my stealth setup it has to be quiet... Witth the lights of its usually 23 degrees... And about that root comment yea u might be right cuz i can see alot of roots and I guess the light is hitting the roots too Ill Transpant ASAP... Should i be worriedd?? AND are the DUTCH NUTRIENTS FORMULA that my buddy has for his hydro setup its the A-B kit will this work for my plants too???
Over watering causes the drooping and so does when the plant is root bound. I'd suggest putting them in a larger container to prevent this which you have and allow the rootball to spread out. You will see a dramatic change with the week if you do this. Right now, your at the beginning of a problem so now is the time to fix it. Are you using any nutes with Phosphorous in it?



Well-Known Member
Yea So Im guessing the root problem should be solved now that there in a bigger pot... Im using SchultZ Plant Nutes vor vegging ive read on a couple forums it works well and I dont have a ride to the hydro store so This will have to do for this grow... It says on the box for Hydroponic use too.. And if the bushy one was overwaterd it will perk itself back up if you allow it to right?
Yea So Im guessing the root problem should be solved now that there in a bigger pot... Im using SchultZ Plant Nutes vor vegging ive read on a couple forums it works well and I dont have a ride to the hydro store so This will have to do for this grow... It says on the box for Hydroponic use too.. And if the bushy one was overwaterd it will perk itself back up if you allow it to right?
Yes the bigger pots should help a whole lot. I let my plants go kinda on the dry side as water is the biggest killer of plants ya know? I water mine two times a week, in my grow I have posted in the harvest section I watered those big girls once a week. Lots of people forget that if they use a liquid based nute solution that it counts as "water" also, but many water after they use liquid nutes so they end up using too much water.




Well-Known Member
My Nutes Are in A Ear Drop style bottle 7 drops per litre i put 4 drops for now to be on the safe side... and i didnt water too much when i transplanted... hopefully it works out..


Well-Known Member
sorry to get back to you so late but....

if it were me i would have buried those plants all the way or half way to the cotyledons. no big prob tho.

i hope your minor prob had to do with the pots and will be fixed as soon as possible


Well-Known Member
Ok People I Just looked at the plants and the lowest leaves have YELLOW CENTER VEINS I put 4 Drops of nutes Not the recommended 7 drops. Just to be on the safe side. But obviously it isnt working out for the better.

All the Other leaves are fine all green exept these.. These meaning my biggest plants outa the 4 the other smaller ones are absolutly MINTTT I shouldnt speak to soon...



Well-Known Member
i read some were that a phosphorus deficiency causes the under sides to start turning purple/redish witch i have... Cuz It might no t be the cold temps at night it only drops 3-4 degrees in the box.


Well-Known Member

OK I danno If this is a sign from the plant saying it needs more water because it was the driest from the 4. When i stuck my finger into the soil... the leaves are U shaped Inward not outward???
