Pro Marijuana TWITTS


JGM322 :leaf:(CT NORML) posted these tweets. Each of these is within the 140 character limit of twitter. Please use this thread to add more politically motivated marijuana Twitts. Go ahead tweet away!

The most commonly reported effects of smoked marijuana are a sense of well-being or euphoria and increased talkativeness and laughter.

Another reported effect of smoked marijuana is alternating periods of introspective dreaminess followed by lethargy and sleepiness.

One negative feature of a marijuana high is a distortion in the sense of time associated with deficits in short-term memory and learning.

A marijuana smoker typically has a sense of enhanced physical and emotional sensitivity, and a feeling of greater interpersonal closeness.

When smoking marijuana it is difficult to carry on a conversation, because of an inability to remember what was just said a few words ago.

Tobacco 32% Alcohol 15% Cocaine 17% Heroin 23% and only 9% of Marijuana users had behavior of dependence of the psycho and physical type.

"There is no evidence that marijuana serves as a stepping stone on the basis of its particular physiological effect."

Recently a marijuana user fell asleep in his car while in a McDonald’s drive-thru.

Incredibly, in the U.S., approximately 40,000 persons will be arrested for the possession of marijuana this year.

My urine and blood is personal and private and losing that privacy should not become a personal dilemma under pressure from an employer.

I will never work for an employer who begins our relationship by testing my body for illegal drugs.

Drug testing amounts to unequal treatment under the law. There are hundreds of thousands of employees hooked on pain killers.

What about alcoholics coming to work with a hangover every day? Are they tested and then discriminated against? No.

Fairly distributed employee testing should include pharmaceutical addicts, alcoholics, the emotionally unstable, chronically fatigued etc..

If employee drug testing continues then genetic traits will become the next accepted form of invasion used to discriminate.

The government trusts us to use alcohol responsibly, it's ridiculous to assume that citizens are incapable of using marijuana responsibly.

Marijuana poses nowhere near the health and welfare danger that goes with alcohol. Freedom from the tyranny of prohibition!

Police trample on our Bill of Rights by conducting illegal searches, email taps, garbage tossing, door busting night raids upon people.

According to a study by Harvard economist Jeffery Miron, legalization could save 7.7 billion a year in enforcement savings.

According to a study by Harvard economist Jeffery Miron, legalization could produce 6.2 billion a year in tax revenues alone.

In 13 states further liberty is granted where the possession of a small amount of marijuana is no longer criminalized.

In a Gallup poll of 2005, 55% say possession of personal amounts of marijuana should not be criminal.

In a Rasmussen poll, 51% say alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana while only 19% say the opposite.

The AMA has recently called for a new policy to review marijuana’s status as a Schedule I drug in the federal Controlled Substances Act.

In the end of prohibition those taking anti-depressants may find that marijuana fulfills the need for these prescription drugs.

Cancer patients, Glaucoma patients, and persons with chronic pain find marijuana to be an irreplaceable product.

In many situations the calming effect of marijuana could prevent domestic violence.

Convenience and the psychoactive properties of marijuana could readily replace far more harmful substances.

Today hundreds to thousands of individuals will be arrested for possession of a personal amount of marijuana.

Tonight, to relieve stress, at least a million Americans will sit on their couches and light-up a joint.

Tomorrow they will return to work rested and ready to perform without a hangover or a physical addiction.


New Member
"Remember, when you posess cannabis or paraphenalia, or are stoned in public, YOU ARE IN A POSITION TO GET BUSTED!! In North America, that can mean JAIL TIME or FINES, and nobody wants that (except maybe the DEA)! If you practice responsible use within a private residence, you should be just fine!
