Pre Flower...


How to determine pre flower? I keep using the shitty search function and it just gives me a thousand grow journals...

My question is I have 8 plants ranging from 24 inches tall to about 7 inches tall...Three of my tallest plants are smelling pretty darn good. How do I determine when the plant is showing me it wants to go into flowering?



Well-Known Member
You can use a magnifying glass of some sort or a jewelers loupe to see if your plant is displaying pre flowers. This normally takes a minimum of 4 weeks and sometimes 7 or 8 weeks. It has nothing to do with how tall they are. Its all about maturity.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
your plants showing you that they are mature enough but changing the growth pattern from 2 leaves\branches on each side to alternating nodes, one each side.
you could flower sooner, or later, and it will be just fine. flowering too soon will make a flowering period longer than a plant that showed pre-flowers and alternating nodes.