Power cuts


Well-Known Member
so weve been having a few power cuts round here lately that have lasted between 1 and 3 hours my question is if i had a plant in the light and we had such a power cut would the plant turn hermie? or would it be ok cause in the natural habitat they might go through total eclipses so they cancope with a bit of darkness during the light hours? its a hypothetical question though as i have no setup yet

john q. public

Active Member
i have had to deal with a couple outtages during storms and idiots crashing into poles.. the only thing i did was reset my timer to the correct time.... but my mothers i just let be... kinda afraid to let the mothers get too much dark.... but the flower boxes im not too worried about, as a little extra dark doesnt really hurt...

no hermies yet, with 300+ plants harvested so far...
