Pot in Pill caps


Active Member
We have a visitor in our home. My wife is willing to share her pot with this person but not every time she wants to use it. My wife uses it for pain from psoriasis. She cant afford to share with this person every time she needs to use it.

I had the thought to buy some pills from the store and empty them out. and then use the left over caps and fill them with pot. will this work?

Any pointers on what pills will be good enough to use.

Canon Smoke

Active Member
Hello, yes it will work .....well. Take the bud and grind it in a coffee grinder / weed grinder , then fill your capsules , remember she should get the effects in about an hour and it will be more intence tha smoking it and it will last alot longer.
I hope this helps. good luck.


Well-Known Member
It takes quite a bit more to get effect when eating it and it has to be taken with something that has fat in it like milk etc or it won't work. It would take less weed to smoke that friend out every time than it would be to try to do orally. Plus to really fit enough in a capsule you would actually want to fill it with only trich's. (keif, hash, whatever you want to call it with no plant matter.)

Better for her to go hide in the bathrooma nd blow the smoke out the window and mask any scent left with air freshener or something if she really can't smoke that person out all the time. Pretend like you're a teenager trying to sneak a smoke behind your parents back.


Well-Known Member
It takes quite a bit more to get effect when eating it and it has to be taken with something that has fat in it like milk etc or it won't work. It would take less weed to smoke that friend out every time than it would be to try to do orally. Plus to really fit enough in a capsule you would actually want to fill it with only trich's. (keif, hash, whatever you want to call it with no plant matter.)

Better for her to go hide in the bathrooma nd blow the smoke out the window and mask any scent left with air freshener or something if she really can't smoke that person out all the time. Pretend like you're a teenager trying to sneak a smoke behind your parents back.
Dont listen to him

Take 5 g's of some good bud and 5 tsp of coconut oil and simmer in a crockpot/double boiler for about 8 hours making sure you mash it up. this will make about 26 pills and 1 is good for medical and 2 and above get into the rec dose and i mean completely fucked up ;) and just take that oil and distribute it in some gelatin 00 caps and then put the bud material evenly dist throughout the the rest of the pills. they usually last 4-5 hours depending on how many you take. good luck

make sure you dont buy vegetarian caps, the oil will dissolve them


Well-Known Member
We have a visitor in our home. My wife is willing to share her pot with this person but not every time she wants to use it. My wife uses it for pain from psoriasis. She cant afford to share with this person every time she needs to use it.

I had the thought to buy some pills from the store and empty them out. and then use the left over caps and fill them with pot. will this work?
It took me a while to stick to my guns, because pot is such a social thing and sharing is generally assumed, but I finally learned to simply say, "Sorry, but I cant afford to share it every time I need to use it." I've had one or two people give me a bit of an attitude about it (really just an indignant expression), but they were the "all about me" type of people in the first place. People who understand that some people need it for treating pain won't take offense. I know that it can feel really "rude" to say no, but I'm not obliged to share my pain pills with others so therefore I'm equally not obliged to share any form of my pain medication. Including my pot. ;)

That said, I also know it can feel really "selfish" sometimes when lighting up with others around and not being able to share it every time. Pills and tinctures can be really great for discretion, as well as any other edible form. Just keep in mind that it is more expensive to eat pot than it is to smoke it, and the high can be much more potent. Just this morning I woke up in a lot more pain than my daily norm, so I ate a little bit more than I normally do in one sitting. Just a bit more, but about 90 minutes later it hit me hard; very psychedellic!!! Pain was lowered exponentially, but so was my mind. :lol: However, I've been eating it daily for the last couple of months, and just a little bit really helps to control my pain much more than both (pharmaceutical) pills and smoking, and yet allows me to keep my head clear. It's well worth the extra expense to me. Small doses to keep a clear head though, and you gotta experiment with what level you want. :)

I've been doing some reading here and there about making THC pills, myself. Not a lot, but a bit. (Seeing your thread reminded me that I wanted to do this. Thanks!) These two should help you get a start, and they've both got links to follow from there. (Which will most likely lead you to more to read. lol)

