

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was just wondering what those flowers( poppies ) that produce opium are called and where you can get them?


Well-Known Member
opium poppy seeds you may actually be able to germinate from the poppy seeds you get from the grocery store (if organic). But you can just google it and several sites come up, never used them myself though... you need to grow quite a few to get it right and do some good research on extractions from the seed husk, erowid would be a good source for that info.


Well-Known Member
dude they are in the spice aisle at your local grocer, you can get like 10k of them for 2 bucks. i use mccormick brand.

maybe 5% of them will germinate because they are heat treated but you sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon in some soil and tell me you don't get like 20 seedlings...!


Well-Known Member
once you grow them, you need to figure out how to harvest the opium from the plant. the best way is to bleed the plant by slitting the pod with a razor then collecting the sap that bleeds out. You dont get much, so, you would probably have to grow ALOT of poppies... not sure what the yield is, but, Im sure you get less than a gram per poppy, way less, probably.. Not sure though.


Well-Known Member
why would you want to use opium have you ever seen and old opium addict it makes you ugly and stuff stick to pot dont make thos anti drug dickheads right about the gateway drug thing


Well-Known Member
Ya, that shit is for terrorists, yo... (j/k.. you know, Afghanistan.. Opium.. Meh, whatever)