Please Answer!


Well-Known Member
Ive got alot of different things to ask and talk about right now.
Someone please help me, because ive been posting different threads and no one really answers me...
I went to home depot, and they didnt carry a fertilizer with an NPK of 20-20-20 so where would i be able to find that?
As for nutrients...can someone tell me what nutrients i should get?


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a hydro shop, then just order NPK.
If you go to fox farms web site,they will explain all ur needs.
I couldnt tell you what nuts, because you didnt explain ur grow in any details.
ph levels?


Well-Known Member
I want to grow two plants, under 400 w MH and HPS
and it will be my first grow, and i need to know what nutrients and soil and stuff to get because i wanna start already, but i need to know how much this will cost me, which is why im asking what soil should i use, and what nutrients should i get? so i can find out the cost, because ill pay for all this stuff cuz ill just save some money, but i need to know first.


Well-Known Member
you can use m.grow for vegg, and save up and get some proper flowering food.
if your going to grow right, you will need some proper flowering food and some pk13/14 for later on in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
so if i veg in miracle grow the WHOLE time, do i need to add nutrients to the soil still? that seems like a good idea and just buy some good stuff when flowering comes around...hmm...good idea...


Well-Known Member
i dont start to feed till week 4 of vegg.
chill bro you dont even need any food for 4 weeks.
get some proper 12/12 food on line, for when you need it.


Well-Known Member
yeah but the thing is, im learning this stuff as i go, and i know enough to grow a plant, but im just getting the spots that i dont know in.
Ok so say i do what you do and wait till the 4th week.
What nutrient do i add in by then?
and im reading about pH right now...


Well-Known Member
first 4 weeks is vegetative growth,,lights will be on 24 hours a day,,or 18 hours on,,6 off,,,you can veg grow longer,,and feed vegetative nutes,,or switch lighting to 12 hours on,,12 hours off,,this is called flowering,,which is when you would start to use a flowering nutrients,,or bloom nutes,,check out Advanced Nutrients,,or Dutch Nutrients Formulas,,there's other kinds,,pick one,,hope this helps

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
yes you will need proper nutes for 12/12.
maybe read up a little before you start to grow.
plants dont need food for the 1st 4 weeks, they can live off the soil.
after that just feed 1 time a week.
then when you goto 12/12.
you need to feed every other water, i water every 2 to 3 days so i feed every 4 to 6 days.
in my 1st grow, i was giving my plants food every day, and even spraying them at night, with water and food.
i killed my plants, too much food.
so when you start to feed be carful. and follow what it says on the bottle.


Well-Known Member
If you live in canada you can get 20-20-20 at canadian tire. any nursery or plant supply store will sell needed food . I use 20-20-20 for growing ( after 3-4 weeks of growing, feeding a little at first, and increase SLOWLY or you'll burn them . Then I use 10-52-10 for flowering. stop feeding when tops have 1/4 red hairs :)


Active Member
what it do...yo man im a newbie but like you I also don't have the funds on hand but I started with 2bulbed CFL,a heater for the humidity (kept low for the soil to dry up cause I didn't want it to wet down below I was thinking of roots hoping they wouldn't mold up cause the CFL don't put out heat at all just bright enough for growing),and one ac box that runs 24hrs a day. Until I had the cash to buy me a switchable ballast that ran me $225 with a mh bulb and I'll be getting the hps when I'm ready to harvest. other than that I had me a ac box cause it gets hot where i stay in the summer but for ventilation it works pretty koo and thermostat was given to me at my letsay they wont be knownin' $24 dollars for a bag of fox farm ocean and it works well has pretty much all the nutes it'll need for vegging..... $12 each for PH's Ups and Downs $7 for ph tester $2to$3 for 5 gal. buckets. right now its still in veg mode about 12 inches tall i'd say bout a month in works. but considering I started with cfl I believe Im goin on the right track....but everything else I got was from a local hydro store and I came with lots of questions the big homie was koo and helped alot. being that I dont have the cash to spend on hand allows me to take my time with the my whole focus is on veggin' then when I feel that it is time I'll allow myself to go out and spend for flowering' or for Cloning.... yadig' my advice if you aint got the cash to spend save a lil and put it asided and get the things that are needed first. which would be Air.Light.Water....for soil i'd say fox farm works the best...if your a newbie. good luck on your grow....

Buddieloves1 BEeEzZy.DaT.Be.MaRyJaNE. CuZZzz$$$$GrOwWs.oN.TrEe$s.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a hydro shop, then just order NPK.
If you go to fox farms web site,they will explain all ur needs.
I couldnt tell you what nuts, because you didnt explain ur grow in any details.
ph levels?
your avatar tripped me the hell out for a second.