Passing around the peace pipe...


Well-Known Member
Let's erase all party lines for just a moment, and focus on one very important issue that I think we can probably all agree on.

Our government has too much power.

Let's stop pointing fingers at one another and trying to pin the blame on red or blue. We can all agree that somewhere along the way, "we the people" have lost control of our country.

I think we've allowed ourselves to become so divided over rather trivial issues that we've lost sight of what it is that was supposed to make this country great - the power of the people, right?
"United we stand, Divided we fall" is a phrase that has been used in mottos, from nations and states to songs. The basic concept is that unless the people are united, it is easy to destroy them.

This is a counter to the maxim divide and rule.

"Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall;
No tyrannous acts shall suppress your just claim,
Or stain with dishonor America's name."

-John Dickinson's "The Liberty Song", 1768.

"United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.” - Patrick Henry, 1799.

George Washington warned against political parties in his farewell address;

"All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

Are we so divided that we couldn't unite under the common cause of restoring the foundation of liberty on which our nation was built? :confused: Can't we put aside the partisan politics and realize that we are all in this together?

We've been bamboozled by the "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" that our very first President of the United States warned us about, while pointing our fingers at other helpless groups of citizens and saying they're to blame.

Aren't we all to blame, for allowing ourselves to be bamboozled? Isn't it time to stop playing the blame game and start picking up the pieces, together?

Is anybody with me on this? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yes i do agree.,.,if you think about it.,.,government in itself is divided .,.,everything divided must fall.,.,systems were made to rule,.,in this country theres no people power.,.,and the people are seperated rep/dem.,.,state/fed.,.,texas arizona.,.,theres no unity.,.theres no peace .,.,theres no love.,.,only greed vanity hate and lust.,.,.if no changes are made we shall burn as rome did.,.,everyday the bucket goes to the well.,.,one day tha bottom a drop rite out.,.,


Active Member
i would say that the power comes and goes. like I think that the gov. run healthcare would be fine, but I also think that a bunch of people need to go back and read the constatution so we can keep what rights we have left. Free speech is gone. for the most part anyway :(


New Member
We ARE coming together. Its a common mistake to believe that the TEA parties are made up of only Republicans. There are Americans from all political parties in attendance with one common purpose ... to get the federal government back into the chains of the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
We ARE coming together. Its a common mistake to believe that the TEA parties are made up of only Republicans. There are Americans from all political parties in attendance with one common purpose ... to get the federal government back into the chains of the Constitution.



Well-Known Member
Aren't we all to blame, for allowing ourselves to be bamboozled? Isn't it time to stop playing the blame game and start picking up the pieces, together?
Is anybody with me on this? bongsmilie
Yes the fault is our inability to vote the scoundrels out who ignore our best interests. Republicans should ask the tough questions to Republicans. Democrats should ask the tough questions to Democrats.
It is time for the Middle Class to come together and make its voice heard. It should be a class struggle, not a party struggle.


Well-Known Member
the american political system is a joke.... and im an american!

i think this country has become almost everything it was opposed to on the day of its creation.
when was the last time you felt your views were represented by an elected official at the federal level?


Well-Known Member
the american political system is a joke.... and im an american!

i think this country has become almost everything it was opposed to on the day of its creation.
when was the last time you felt your views were represented by an elected official at the federal level?
There are people doing some good things in our government, you just have to look hard to find them.

The tea parties strike me as populism in sheep's clothing. I think they are yet another distraction designed to subvert our attention and divide us even further.

Before you tell me that I should attend one of these events before I make up my mind - I have. I also have my doubts as to whether it is really a "grassroots" movement or merely a corporate-sponsored effort to encourage support of capitalism and consumerism in order to retain the status quo.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
When government expands, liberty contracts.

It's amazing that a doddering old man like Reagan could say something so accurate like the quote above and then be an advocate for government control over people via a "drug war".
He should have shitcanned Nancy and spun one up.


Active Member
let us not argue. If you feel yourself typing with ill thought in mind, back up, burn one, then begin again. =D

lets stick to the "one love" sense of coming together. Doobs not the first to say it, wont be the last either.


Well-Known Member
Our government has too much power.
if we can all agree on this one basic assumption why are so many demanding we hand an ever increasing amount of power to the very force that is determined to enslave us? we are bothered by something, we demand government prohibits it. we desire something, we demand government provides it. we look around the world, find something we want, and demand not that thing, but something better. with the fall of christianity in this country has come an unintended side effect, the fall of the work ethic. while i despise religion in general, i can't help but think we just weren't ready to let go of those idols. we have replaced that worship with the raising of our petty bureaucrats to near divine status and by creating a cult of personality around those least deserving.

I also have my doubts as to whether it is really a "grassroots" movement or merely a corporate-sponsored effort to encourage support of capitalism and consumerism in order to retain the status quo.
of course there is some corporate and even government sponsorship in any political movement. those entities will always try to attach themselves to any cause that furthers their own agendas, but that doesn't mean there is no popular support for those movements. business is not the enemy of the people. business is made up of the people and has no military or police force to enforce its desires. government is that nebulous body that hides its intentions behind the rhetoric of smiling front men, performing a shell game with the liberty of the people and carrying on a massive ponzi scheme with the wealth of the nation. business depends on the needs and confidence of the people in order to survive, unlike government which uses force and the avarice of its subjects to obtain its objectives.