Outdoor Growing

I plan on growing near lake texoma in north texas. Its humid during the summer. What is this best way to naturally grow plants in this location and climate.


Well-Known Member
You don't really need any specific soil, it depends on how much effort and $ you want to put in to it, and what is available locally.

The first step would be to go out to every garden center and similar in your immediate area (skip wal-mart, and lowe's and homedepot usually only carry pine bark/perlite blends) and find the best organic soil with the most good shit in it. Something based on organic compost and with worm castings, blood meal, bone meal, gypsum, greensand, kelp meal, bat guano, etc....Something loaded with good shit.

Where I'm at there is no place locally that sells decent soil. I used https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/44686-subcools-super-soil.html recipe to ammend the best stuff I could get, and use it half and half with plain soil. You may be able to get some dank soil locally, I don't know.

Go dig some big holes and get your plants up knee high in pots while you're thinking about this.