Orange Seeds


Well-Known Member
can i germ. a orange seed like a pot seed and how much does an orange tree grow for the first few years?
thanks for help


Active Member
wrap them in a wet paper towel and put them in a ziploc bag. keep them some place warm, not hot. they should germ in a week to ten days. as for growth, it's a tree so pretty slowly.


Active Member
wrap them in a wet paper towel and put them in a ziploc bag. keep them some place warm, not hot. they should germ in a week to ten days. as for growth, it's a tree so pretty slowly.
I started an orange tree last january and it now reaches only 7 inches....So ya...very slow
maybe when I'll be 85 it'll have finally made fruit...LOL


Well-Known Member
ha yea!!! i had a lime and a lemon tree before. they were in a house i moved into they were like 8 feet tall and didnt even make fruit, i guess they have before i got them but they were small and unedible.