Obama vs McCain: Issues that matter.


Well-Known Member
Since the left can't stop compering and the right can't stop sending mixed messages, I thought a Q&A is in order.
Forget racism and bushism and all other bullshit that the left and right like to toss out to see what sticks to the wall.
Please add your own questions and answers. All I ask for is keep it out of party faver.Issues that face us and this country and what would the honest answer be..I don't want to get into a pissing contest.

1) The economy fuckin sucks, what background do you have to insure you will lead us in the right direction and on the right path?
Mccain:I have no background to insure anything in such matters.
Obama:I can not insure a right direction, I have no background to deal with such matters.

2)Why haven't either of you spoken about the inflation that is now said to hit around x-mas?
Mccain: Again, this is not my cup of tea.I'll let you know as soon as I'm told.
Obama:We are running a campaign based on dreams and a bright future.The details of the reality are ugly, people don't want to hear that.

3)Why did you both back a 4 page trillion dollar bailout plan?
Mccain: I did what I was told to do.
Obama: I did what I was told to do.

4)The very same people who's hands are dirty, now oversights the bailout money, can you explain why?
Mccain:I can't even make up a reason why and make it sound right.
Obama:........I'll pass.

5)You both say that you offer better all around programs, just where is the money coming from to support more programs.
Mccain:For every program I cut, I will add one.
Obama:print now and pay later, works!

6)What will you do about the war in Iraq?
Mccain: My friends, we will win at any cost!
Obama: We will pull out of Iraq asap and move them to afghanistan and we will win in afghan!

It's clear who should be president, right?:cry:

RON PAUL:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yet another wasted vote for someone who has a snowball's chance in hell of winning.
I'm going to do the right thing by you.
and write in RP's name.

In the position we are in, RP is the right man for the job.
Who's better fit to run the country with a list of 5 names.

obama...............the clear winner:confused:
mccain.........a close sec:confused:

Wasted because the masses won't vote for him?
The reality is, an Obama/Mccain vote is hurtful to you and me.
It's going to be painful either way...so fuck it, I'm tossing my vote away and voting paul.


Well-Known Member
7) Illegal immigrants have train wrecked the working class, over run social programs and over crowed the school system.What is your stance on Illegals and what steps are needed?
Mccain: I will penalize them, give them s.s. numbers, so they can be taxed.
Obama: I to will give them s.s. numbers so they can be taxed, but no penalty.that wouldn't be fair.

8 )You both offer a healthcare program, Obama you want to set up a free system.Mccain you want to give everyone $5k.Where is this money coming from?
Mccain: I can't really give everyone 5k without raising taxes.
Obama: Nothing is free, so taxes will have to be raised.

9)Who do you stand behind, the american people and country or your own party?
Mccain: I once stood only for country and her people, but not anymore.I wouldn't have made it this far had I not. I had no choice,I want this bad.
Obama: Look at this smile, would I lie to you? Fuck yea I'm all about my party.


Well-Known Member
Not sure why the extra thousands of bucks I'll save in taxes under Obama is hurtful to me, but I guess I can try to feel the pain while I'm counting that extra moolah. There are two of us in the house, and we'll save about $500 each in taxes under Obama. So, $1000 per year, times eight years, is eight grand more money I'll have over the next eight years. Not a ton, but hey, it's eight grand more than McCain is offering us. That's the kind of "hurtful to me" I'm looking for.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'd consider voting McPalin for a hundred grand. I'm a poor ho. Let the bidding begin! Who will give me, a middle class dude, the largest chunk of my own money. So far, Obama's easily winning the auction! ;)


Well-Known Member
Not sure why the extra thousands of bucks I'll save in taxes under Obama is hurtful to me, but I guess I can try to feel the pain while I'm counting that extra moolah. There are two of us in the house, and we'll save about $500 each in taxes under Obama. So, $1000 per year, times eight years, is eight grand more money I'll have over the next eight years. Not a ton, but hey, it's eight grand more than McCain is offering us. That's the kind of "hurtful to me" I'm looking for.
...so you will be getting free healthcare and a nice yearly check, wheres that money coming from?
You don't even care do you, all you see is a so-called free $500.

bush just handed you some money, right? yea, it's the same program, but that's a great idea of obamas.:roll:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Wow, you guys spout all kinds of issues, like they actually matter. In case you've forgotten, this is a pot-growers forum. The one thing that we all have in common is pot growing. So why isn't pot growing your main issue? Especially for growers in states where medical growing is legal. That is the only issue that makes any difference to me personally. All other arguments don't matter to a man in prison.

What is your stand on Medical Marijuana as voted by the states?

Obama: "I don't think the Justice Dept should be involved. I will stop the raids on Medical Marijuana growers in MMJ states."

Mccain: "I don't think marijuana is medicine, there are better pharmaceutical drugs. I will continue to terrorize all marijuana users, and continue to put the growers in prison."

Any marijuana grower who doesn't understand this is not paying attention.



Well-Known Member
Wow, you guys spout all kinds of issues, like they actually matter. In case you've forgotten, this is a pot-growers forum. The one thing that we all have in common is pot growing. So why isn't pot growing your main issue? Especially for growers in states where medical growing is legal. That is the only issue that makes any difference to me personally. All other arguments don't matter to a man in prison.

What is your stand on Medical Marijuana as voted by the states?

Obama: "I don't think the Justice Dept should be involved. I will stop the raids on Medical Marijuana growers in MMJ states."

Mccain: "I don't think marijuana is medicine, there are better pharmaceutical drugs. I will continue to terrorize all marijuana users, and continue to put the growers in prison."

Any marijuana grower ((who doesn't understand this is not paying attention.))

That's not really obamas stance.
I did ask not to go into a pissing contest or party faver.
also, wrong forum for the question.
Legalization Of Marijuana

Besides, who gives a shit about cannabis laws?
I'm more worried about my future.


New Member
Wow, you guys spout all kinds of issues, like they actually matter. In case you've forgotten, this is a pot-growers forum. The one thing that we all have in common is pot growing. So why isn't pot growing your main issue? Especially for growers in states where medical growing is legal. That is the only issue that makes any difference to me personally. All other arguments don't matter to a man in prison.

What is your stand on Medical Marijuana as voted by the states?

Obama: "I don't think the Justice Dept should be involved. I will stop the raids on Medical Marijuana growers in MMJ states."

Mccain: "I don't think marijuana is medicine, there are better pharmaceutical drugs. I will continue to terrorize all marijuana users, and continue to put the growers in prison."

Any marijuana grower who doesn't understand this is not paying attention.
So, you'd sell yourself into slavery if your captor allowed you to have legal pot? That's some serious stuff. :blsmoke:
