Obama did coke!


Well-Known Member
I'm 16 just like Obama does lines of coke. Keep riding that all you want. It does nothing but prove my point even more. You silly conservatives will grasp onto anything negative even if it's a bold face lie.
Odd, Obama has stated in his biography that he did do coke. Are you saying Obama is a liar?


Well-Known Member

09-13-2012, 07:32 PM
Forum Member

Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 4

Re: More anti-white advertising.
[HR][/HR]Welcome to Obama's regime. Using media to force acceptance of the black community upon our children and upon us all. It makes me sick.

Where did you get that Buck
is that listed when I google "red1966 racist stormfront"?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
lol whats worse doing coke in college or attacking and molesting a hippy in order to force them to reform there individuality. .. . . .i wonder which has more to do with how one treats people/individuals within a society

molesting present participle of mo·lest (Verb)


  1. Pester or harass (someone), typically in an aggressive or persistent manner.
  2. Assault or abuse