obama- cyber security act


New Member
has this been discussed?

yea...obama wants to censor the internet to "protect Americans from hackers, like those in Al Quaeda."

Oh so first they were suicide bombers, and now they're hackers?

just...wow...these restrictions have got to be the biggest, most blatant steps toward communism or tyranny...makes the patriot act look like peanuts


Well-Known Member
If you are not on the first list, then you are a terrorist and need to be either gassed, sent to a labor camp for reeducation or lobotomized. The reason why they must control the internet is because too many people are learning the truth and they want to shut the greatest means of communication down. With no internet or a highly regulated one there will be total media and information control. Propaganda will be non stop.


New Member
this needs to stop. the president needs to be assassinated...those still hoping for a "peaceful revolution" have no idea how far this has gotten or how ruthless these people are with their agendas.

Power does what it wants- these people won't stop doing what they're doing until they're MADE to stop, by force. people are far too fearful of their government


New Member
and the most sickening part of all of this is that other countries, like Iran or Korea, are pissed at us for being wreckless and doing whatever they're doing- but understandably so

eventually they'll retaliate, with every right to want to do so...and i'm sure (through their twisted sense of logic) that the politicians and the press will tell the American people that these retaliators are terrorists too.

everybody's a fuckin terrorist now