Not sure what the problem is


Well-Known Member
Lights: Assorted cfls from 26-43w
Temp: 75
Soil: Personal Mix of Black earth, perlite, and peat moss
Ph: around 6.8-7
Nutes: shaltz 10-15-10 gen purpose plant food
Problem has been around for a long time, just recently got a camera to take a pic. Basically the tips of almost all the leaves have a little bit of brown on them. And some of the central leaves are starting to turn a yellow colour. They havent started to fall off yet and the problem has been around for several weeks now. i Thought it might be nute burn so i cut down the nutes to a little over half strength but im not sure if it helped or not... any advise is appreciated
Last pic is of a clone i took, its under a week old from when its roots came outta the peat puck.. Hows it looking? White Widow is the strain btw



Active Member
Hey there! I would say that you have been over feeding them. Also your nutes are fairly high in P which is causing your purple coloured stems. A simple flush of the soil should help em out. Flush em, wait for it to dry and take it from there. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I agree with abberation. Flush 'em, the ones in the bigger pots especially. I'm betting there's a considerable build up of nutrients or salts in the soil and flushing will force those out.

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Probably Nute Burn, which is an easy fix, but could also be salt build up from hard water. What is the PPM of the water you are using? Is it tap?


Well-Known Member
Yeah im just using tap water right now. I transplanted these into new soil about a week ago as the old soil wasnt the best stuff and turned hard so should i still flush them or just use less nutes?


Well-Known Member
Definitely flush. I use that Schultz stuff, too, and I find that if I don't flush regularly it really builds up in the soil which can lead to all sorts of problems with nutrient lockout (where the plant can't utilize the nutrients in the soil), and nute burn.

A good flush always makes my plants happy.